Grain baits Black Tiger Nuts TGR0011 €6.99 The Tigernut (cyperus sculentus lativum) or ‘Chufa’ as it is known in Spanish, is not actually a nut, but a small tuber. It was first discovered 4000 years ago and comes in several sizes. Tigernuts have long been recognised for their health benefits, as they are high in fibre, proteins, and natural sugars. The Tigernut is a tuber that has been used for... Add to cart
Pellets Pva Mix 2kg KRN360 €12.99 Pva Mix - a unique mixture of pellets, created in such a way that there are many different attractive elements of taste and smell. Several different granule sizes, different amounts of oil, and therefore different dissolution times. Will attract and keep fish in a cozy place. Add to cart
Boilies FeedStimulants Pop Up Insect Cream FDS915 €9.99 FeedStimulants Pop Up Insect Cream is a specialized type of fishing bait designed to float on the water's surface, creating an enticing visual and olfactory stimulus for fish, particularly carp and other species. These pop-up baits are formulated with a unique combination of insect and cream flavors and ingredients to attract and captivate fish. Add to cart
Baiting Up Actor MK4 Basic 10ah Black Bait Boat €299.99 This version now has a compass fitted. This will keep the boat running straight without the wind, weight distribution or yaw effecting the direction the boat is travelling in. The boat will require calibration at each new swim its used at, its a single button press and takes less than 15 seconds. Here with have the Mark 4 Boatman Actor bait boat. An... Add to cart
Ingredients & Additives FeedStimulants Liquid Strawberry Cream Flavour - 100ml FDS936 €8.99 Add to cart
Home Tiger Nut Flour TGR122 €5.50 The Tigernut (cyperus sculentus lativum) or ‘Chufa’ as it is known in Spanish, is not actually a nut, but a small tuber. It was first discovered 4000 years ago and comes in several sizes. Tigernuts have long been recognised for their health benefits, as they are high in fibre, proteins, and natural sugars. The Tigernut is a tuber that has been used for... Add to cart
Home FeedStimulants Liquid Thaumatin FDS028 €5.69 This is a very strong protein sweetener. The sweetening ingredient, thaumatin, is 2000-3000 sweeter than sugar. It builds very slowly and lingers for a very long time without any bitter after-taste, for this reason it is being used in chewing gum for instance. It has a rich liquorice type aftertaste. It is often used in conjunction with other sweeteners... Add to cart
Home FeedStimulants Asafoetida Oleoresin FDS939 €13.99 Pure and natural, human food grade, without any artificial ingredients. This is a product that has been kept on the 'hush' list. It is a brilliant carp attractor when used at low levels. This product is normally ultra strong but this version is a lot more user friendly. Asafoetida is cultivated mainly in India and is commonly known as food of the gods or... Add to cart
Home FeedStimulants Liquid Glycerine FDS606 €5.99 This is a transparent sweet syrupy substance, also known as butylene glycol. Often used for making water-soluble dips, soaks or unique flavours which are easily detectable by carp. Mix a minimum of 20% (max 50%) glycerine with other liquids of your choice to make your own unique flavoured dip / soak. Because of the viscous nature of this product, it will... Add to cart