-4% Home Nash Citruz Liquid Bait Soak B2180 €11.51 €11.99 Time left PVA friendly and with no limit to inclusion Citruz® Liquid Bait Soak can be used to dip hookbaits and coat boilie free offerings, over maggots, makes a perfect high attract stick mix liquid and can be used for soaking plastic and zig foam. It’s the perfect addition to your cold water bait armoury. Add to cart
TACKLE AND RIG BOXES Korda Tackle Tubing Box KBOX13 €10.99 The Korda Compac Tubing Box offer a purpose made compact storage unit for up to 10 metres of rig tube. This innovative storage solution from Korda also features a removable tray that holds small end tackle items like lead clips. The end tackle box is also specifically designed to fit neatly inside the larger sized Korda Tackle Box. Add to cart