-4% Home Mainline Base Mixes The Link M15042 €134.39 €139.99 Time left At Mainline Baits they truly believe in their 'Better Bait Through Research' ethos, which has once again led to another progression and step forward within their range of Dedicated Base Mixes with the addition of the greatly anticipated The Link. View
-4% Home Mainline Addittives Hybrid Activator M16013 €18.23 €18.99 Time left Hybrid has taken expectation levels to new heights where fish response is concerned. The results enjoyed by there team of field testers and consultants have been phenomenal! View
-4% Home Mainline Addittives The Link Activator N16015 €18.23 €18.99 Time left The Link has taken expectation levels to new heights where fish response is concerned. The results enjoyed by there team of field testers and consultants have been phenomenal! View
-4% Home Mainline Balanced Wafters The Link M21050 €10.55 €10.99 Time left The NEW Mainline Wafter hookbaits have been designed to deliver an advanced edge to the performance of your rig presentation without complexity. Simply thread a Wafter onto your chosen Hair rig and allow the weight of your hook to set the slow sinking Wafter into a ‘critically-balanced’ position… Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Pop-ups Mini The Link M21053 €10.55 €10.99 Time left Part of the comprehensive range of dedicated base mix hookbaits, these ‘mini’ pop-ups provide the perfect solution for anglers wishing to ‘scale down’ their hookbait presentation without compromise… Small, mini hookbaits have become an integral part of carp fishing in the present day, where in many cases the fish have a raised caution created by angling... Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Balanced Wafter Hybrid - 15mm M21039 €10.55 €10.99 Time left Mainline Balanced Wafter Hybrid - Mainline Wafter hookbaits have been designed to deliver an advanced edge to the performance of your rig presentation without complexity. Simply thread a Wafter onto your chosen Hair rig and allow the weight of your hook to set the slow sinking Wafter into a ‘critically-balanced’ position. Add to cart
-4% Home GoFish Various Rod Pod 3 Rods GF1205 €72.95 €75.99 Time left GoFish Various Rod Pod 3 Rods- a compact rop pod for 3 rods. Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Captiv-8 Flavoured Colourant Red Krill 100ml MM4001 €11.51 €11.99 Time left Captiv-8 Flavoured Colourants are designed to give your Expander Pellets or any hookbait, feedbait or groundbait incredible visual attraction and infuse them with proven attractors for the ultimate edge. Apply them directly to your bait or in your soaking and mixing water. Remember a little goes a long way! Add to cart
-4% Home GoFish Thermometer GF530 €8.63 €8.99 Time left GoFish Thermometer - the thermometer is designed to measure air or water temperature. Add to cart
-4% Home GoFish Free Fall Chod Rig System 40g GF571 €5.75 €5.99 Time left GoFish Free Fall Chod Rig System - tied/ready-to-use system. Add to cart
-4% Home BH Tactical Baits Pineapple NBTC Ballanced Wafters BH0282 €5.75 €5.99 Time left BH Tactical Baits Pineapple NBTC Balanced Wafters - balanced boilies, bright yellow color, strong pineapple aroma. Add to cart
-4% Home BH Tactical Baits Pink Ballanced Wafters BH0283 €5.75 €5.99 Time left BH Tactical Baits Pink Balanced Wafters - bright balanced boilies, "tutti" and "squid" mix aroma. Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Sweet Marine - (All Round Fishmeal Mix) MM2905 €10.55 €10.99 Time left The sweet edge of cereal, seed and biscuit with a blend of fishmeals, numerous crushed pellets and proteins create the ultimate sweet fishmeal groundbait that is truly all-round! Proven through four seasons on a range of natural and commercial venues. Sweet Marines dark colour makes it super versatile in all clarities of water, ideal for targeting all... Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Pro Active - (All Round Cereal Mix) MM2906 €10.55 €10.99 Time left This groundbait is a sweet cereal based mix which is ideal for fishing natural waters. It contains no fishmeal but is packed full of high quality ingredients making it the perfect choice for roach, skimmers and bream. Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Limited Edition Pop Ups Sushi M13037 €12.47 €12.99 Time left Mainline's Limited Edition Fishing Pop Ups are some of the highest quality baits on the market, perfect for anglers targeting big fish. The superior design and materials make these Pop Ups last longer in the water, resisting wear and tear from pests. Whether you're fishing in Europe or elsewhere, these Pop Ups give you an edge in landing a whopper. Add to cart
-4% Home Korum Compact Digital Scales K0310121 €34.55 €35.99 Time left Ultra compact miniature fully functioning digital scales that fit in the palm of your hand! If carrying a large set of dial scales is adding to much weight to your kit. These are a great option for the roving short session angler, ideal for tucking in amongst your luggage or a spare pocket. Capable of weighing in both Kilos and grams, and pounds and... Add to cart
-4% Home Korum Bopper K0310143 €15.35 €15.99 Time left There are two sizes of Bopper to suit different requirements and each version can be used with or without weighting inside, should you require. Having the the ability to make it heavier if the flow-rate is much higher is a game changer and is sure to suit lots of river and feeder anglers around the World. Standard version comes with a 30g base weight and... Add to cart
-4% Home GoFish Match&Feeder Rest GF907 €11.51 €11.99 Time left You can mount this feeder support in the way that suits you best. You can place the high sides on it when you expect powerful bites, but also the lower ones for easy hitting. Universal thread. Add to cart
-4% Home Mainline Match Dumbell Wafters Red Krill MM3122 €6.71 €6.99 Time left The easy to use Dumbell Wafters provide the angler with advanced hookbait presentation combined with a fast draining attraction. The Dumbell Wafter is perfect for using a Hair-Rigged bait band, and when paired with a Guru QM1 hook gives you a critically balanced presentation. The buoyancy of these Wafters will make the entire bait presentation a lot... Add to cart
-4% Home Korum Big Fish Quickstop Hair Rigs Barbed 4" 0.30mm 8pcs K0310048 €3.83 €3.99 Time left "Korum Big Fish Quickstop Hair Rigs Barbed 4" 0.30mm 8pcs" - designed to provide stronger hair rigs when fishing for bigger fish. Increased line diameters and more powerful japanese hooks provide the perfect big fish Quickstop Hair Rig. Add to cart
-4% Home Korum Quickstops On Hair Rigs Long Barbless 15'' 8pcs KHRQ/10 €3.83 €3.99 Time left Korum Barbless Quickstops On Hair Rigs Long 15'' 8pcs - identical to the hugely successful Korum Hair Rig, but with a Quickstop fitted. Brilliant for drilled pellets, sweetcorn and meat fishing. Add to cart
-4% Home Korum Dura Method Feeder And Mould KDMFM €6.71 €6.99 Time left Korum Dura-Method Feeders provide a super strong feeder that ensures all your bait gets to the lakebed thanks to its unique design and structure. The dedicated mould gives a tapered shape to your bait for increased casting distances. Add to cart