-4% Boilies Shimano Tribal TX1 12mm Pop ups Pink Squid&Octopus TX1SOPU1250 €6.71 €6.99 Time left Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano Tribal TX1 Banana & Pineapple TX1BPB €9.11 €9.49 Time left The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by bait... Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano Tribal TX1 Strawberry TX1SBB €9.11 €9.49 Time left The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by bait... Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano TX1 Tiger Nut Fluo. Pop - Up TX1TNPU €6.71 €6.99 Time left The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by bait... Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano Hookbait Glug TX1 Tiger Nut 200ml TX1TNHB250 €7.67 €7.99 Time left Packed with quality ingredients and added flavors to force quick bites. The Glug and Food Syrup can be used to give bait and feed extra appeal. Available in 4 popular flavours. Hookbait Glug comes in a 200ml bottle with a wide opening for easy dipping. Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano Hookbait Glug TX1 Strawberry 200ml TX1SBHB250 €7.67 €7.99 Time left Packed with quality ingredients and added flavors to force quick bites. The Glug and Food Syrup can be used to give bait and feed extra appeal. Available in 4 popular flavours. Hookbait Glug comes in a 200ml bottle with a wide opening for easy dipping. Add to cart
-4% Home Shimano Hookbait Glug TX1 Banana & Pineapple 200ml TX1BPHB250 €7.67 €7.99 Time left Packed with quality ingredients and added flavors to force quick bites. The Glug and Food Syrup can be used to give bait and feed extra appeal. Available in 4 popular flavours. Hookbait Glug comes in a 200ml bottle with a wide opening for easy dipping. Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Saldus Kukurūzas Pop Ups her26 €4.99 €5.20 Time left "Deepex Saldus Kukurūzas Pop Ups" - very fluffy, light yellow in color, enriched with liquid attractants, betaine, minamine, amino blend, natural sweet corn aroma. Great bait for carp fishing. Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Riešutas Su Kanapėmis Pop Ups her7 €4.99 €5.20 Time left "Deepex Riešutas Su Kanapėmis Pop Ups" - very fluffy, "floo" white color, enriched with liquid attractants, betaine, minamine, roasted hazelnut oils and hemp, protein supplements. Great bait for carp fishing. Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Ananasas Pop Ups her4 €4.99 €5.20 Time left Deepex Ananasas Pop Ups - a mixture of very fluffy and liquid parts, salad color. Saturated with betaine, minamine, pineapple essential oils, easily "gives" nutritional signals. Add to cart