-4% Method Mixes & Groundbait Ground Bait Marmax Crucian (Garlic) MRM034 €3.46 €3.60 Time left Add to cart
-4% Method Mixes & Groundbait Ground Bait Marmax Carp (Strawberry) MRM003 €3.46 €3.60 Time left Add to cart
-4% Method Mixes & Groundbait Ground Bait Marmax Bream (light) MRM002 €3.46 €3.60 Time left Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Saldus Kukurūzas Pop Ups her26 €4.99 €5.20 Time left "Deepex Saldus Kukurūzas Pop Ups" - very fluffy, light yellow in color, enriched with liquid attractants, betaine, minamine, amino blend, natural sweet corn aroma. Great bait for carp fishing. Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Riešutas Su Kanapėmis Pop Ups her7 €4.99 €5.20 Time left "Deepex Riešutas Su Kanapėmis Pop Ups" - very fluffy, "floo" white color, enriched with liquid attractants, betaine, minamine, roasted hazelnut oils and hemp, protein supplements. Great bait for carp fishing. Add to cart
-4% Home Deepex Ananasas Pop Ups her4 €4.99 €5.20 Time left Deepex Ananasas Pop Ups - a mixture of very fluffy and liquid parts, salad color. Saturated with betaine, minamine, pineapple essential oils, easily "gives" nutritional signals. Add to cart
-4%New Method Mixes & Groundbait Marmax Žiobris Groundbait 1kg MRM036 €3.46 €3.60 Time left Add to cart
-4% Home Tigernuts And Hemp Groundbaits TGR321 €5.76 €6.00 Time left Tigernuts And Hemp Groundbaits are made from 100% tiger nuts and hemp. High quality product. Use with tiger nut extract. Fits into the Spod blend to create an extra cloud. Add to cart
-4% Home Tigernut Oil 1L TGR324 €38.39 €39.99 Time left Tiger nut oil is a natural product designed to complement the bait. Add to cart